Friday, November 9, 2012

When You Need Space In A Relationship

Do you find that you need more space than you are getting in a relationship? Is your partner asking for more space in a relationship? There is no set space amount allocated to couples in a relationship as each couple is different and different people require different amount of space. Some couples are happy the most when they are constantly together while others find that they do need some time to themselves. The most difficult part is finding a compromise so that both partners in the relationship are happy with the amount of space they have. It can become quite difficult if each partner has a different idea of how much space they need. One person may like a lot of time to themselves while the other may like to be together much more. You need to try and reach a point somewhere in between that you can both be happy with. Some people just don't like to be alone and can become depressed when they get lonely. They like to always be spending time with someone whether it is their friends, family or their partner. Some people just like to have a little bit of time alone each day to relax and relieve the stress of the day. They like some 'alone' time to have that solitude when they can be themselves and just completely relax. Some people don't like being tied down to one person and like a lot of freedom. They like to go out with their friends whenever they want to and not have someone stop them. They might like to go to the gym or for a ride just to get some alone time. They really enjoy being able to do the things they love on their own. These are three different levels of how much space a person wants and it is good to find a balance somewhere in the middle. It is good to have some time alone to relax and recharge and it is good to spend time with your partner also. If both parties in a relationship fall into the middle range of how much space they need then that will work out really well. Or even if you both fall into the same category of needing lots of space or not needing much space at all, as long as you are both on the same level then it is easy to work it out. Problems can occur when the two partners have completely different ideas of how much space a person should have. If one loves to spend lots of time alone while the other doesn't like to be alone, then it can be difficult to reach a compromise. If you really love one another then you need to try to understand the other person’s point of view and try to compromise. If you can't reach a compromise then the person that doesn't like to be alone will feel neglected and lonely when the other partner often goes out on their own. At the same time, if a person likes to have lots of space they can feel smothered when the other partner is hanging around them constantly. You need to communicate with one another and be honest about how you feel about how much space you need. If you don't communicate about how much space you both need then that may lead to problems if one feels neglected or smothered, so it's best to talk about it and reach some sort of agreement of the amount of space needed in your relationship.

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