Friday, November 9, 2012

Is Your Relationships Ready For The Next Level

Before you make any big changes in a relationship you always need to evaluate the current relationship. When you have been dating for a little while and are considering taking it to the next level in becoming intimate, you need to consider where you are and whether you are ready for that move. Also if you have been dating for quite a while and are considering marriage you will also need to carefully evaluate the relationship to make sure you are ready to take things to that level. Although becoming intimate and getting married may seem like the next obvious step in your relationship, it isn't always as easy as it seems. Here are a couple of reasons why you should always carefully evaluate your relationship before moving to that next level. 1. If you don't take a good look at your relationship you could end up waiting too long and be in too deep to be objective in your evaluation. When you have fallen badly for this person you see the relationship through rose colored glasses and you may choose to ignore the small, annoying things. You may ignore any problems that you know are there but you just don't want to see. If you know there are problems and are choosing to ignore them for now then you probably shouldn't be moving further into the relationship. You should try to recognize any problems and work through them or realize the relationship isn't meant to be and leave before it gets any more serious. 2. Sometimes early in a relationship people don't act like themselves and any negative habits or traits may be hidden or guarded carefully. If this is happening then it can be easy to move to the next level when you think everything is great, but when you get to that next level your partner may begin to show their true colors and you may feel like you've made a mistake. With both of these situations it can be difficult to evaluate the relationship correctly and decide whether you really should move on to the next level. Before moving on to the next level, whether it be getting intimate or getting married, you need to know your partner well and take a long, good, honest look at the relationship and where it is heading. You should take your time when making the decision to move to the next level. Take your time so that you can see any warning signs if there are any, if you rush into things then you might miss the warning signs. To have a successful relationship you need to be confident and happy within yourself so it is always important to make sure that you are happy and are confident before taking a relationship to the next level. If you're partner is mistreating you in any way, don't fool yourself into thinking that they will stop doing this if you take the relationship to the next level. If anything, they will probably treat you worse, so if you are being mistreated now then it's best to end the relationship rather than move on to the next level. If you evaluate your relationship and see that you are happy and truly in love then you can happily move forward to the next level with confidence knowing that you made the decision carefully. Those who don't take the time to evaluate often find themselves in unhappy, maybe even abusive, relationships.

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