Friday, November 9, 2012

Office Relationships-Not Always What They Are Cracked Up To Be

Office relationships are not all they're cracked up to be. Sneaking around, trying not to be seen by anyone you work with, lying and trying to keep all the lies straight is not an easy task. You start trying to justify what you are doing by trying to convince yourself that you found the one and your relationship is better than any other you have ever had. You must be very careful or you will most assuredly get caught. When you first started working together, you didn't even really like each other but with the close proximity of working together you became fond of each other and one thing led to another. Now you want to work together for your future. Things were good before you met your secret lover. Now they are phenomenal. Some where along the line you decided it was ok to be a little selfish and start thinking only of yourself and what you want. You deliberately push thoughts of your boss and coworkers and how they will feel when they discover your indiscretion(s) away and willingly enter into office relationships. At first you may feel the exhilaration that comes along with the danger of what you are doing and that feeling may keep you going back for more. The stolen moments are just that, stolen. your behavior at work has probably changed and the boss and coworkers know something is going on. You really are not hiding anything despite what you may think. The hurt you can cause in a situation like this will only increase exponentially when you do get caught. The trust your boss and coworkers did have for you will be completely destroyed and you will most likely be fired. If you care about your job, or your lover's job, at all you will rethink continuing this relationship. Do not make your boss regret having hired you. You and your secret lover are jeopardizing your current relationships, your livelihood and even that of your children, if you have some. Think about how they will feel when what you are doing results in you losing your job. Your coworkers may even feel betrayed but mostly you will become a couple of laughing stocks when this gets out. Stop right now and think about what you are doing. Ask yourself if you really want to be responsible for destroying the lives of everyone involved. If you truly can say that you do not care about anyone but yourselves then go ahead with your plans. Just prepare yourself for the consequences because you will probably lose everything that was ever important to you and have to rebuild it all. People who enter willingly into office relationships do it without concern for the other people in their lives and think of nothing but their own gratification. Doing this will cause you and everyone concerned nothing but trouble. You could probably make things work though if one of you quit and went to another company to work. Of course in this economy you may have trouble finding another job.

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