Sunday, November 18, 2012

Relationship After Cheating-Kick Him To The Curb

You just found out that your spouse is cheating. What happens to your relationship after cheating is pretty much up to you at this point? Do you forgive and forget or do you kick him to the curb? Frankly, if it were me, I would kick him to the curb. You could never trust him again and, seriously, why would you ever want to try? I don't like being played for a fool, he would be gone so fast he would not know what hit him. But then what? Where would you be then? All alone with no one to talk to? If you were really in love then the hurt would be completely devastating and it would take a lot of time to get over him. It would be difficult to enter into another relationship after cheating. When you make the decision to kick him to the curb you automatically take control from him. You get you back and you get to start making the rules. No more passivity, no more depending on him for your happiness. Tell him that it is over and done then absolutely refuse to have any contact with him whatsoever. He is no longer worth your time. If he wants to talk to you he should do it through your lawyer. Let the anger you feel be your guide, for now. Do not let it consume you because it will literally eat you up inside and you will not be good to anyone, especially yourself. So, use the anger effectively to get through the divorce and then learn to let it go. See someone to help if you need to but find a way to let it go. One good way to vent your anger and other feelings is to start a daily journal. This is a way to track how you are dealing with the wrong that was done to you. You can vent all you like and say anything you want when you put it in a journal. Journal writing can be very cleansing, not to mention healing. It is there for you only to get your feelings out, no one can take that away from you. You may feel some depression over the loss of the relationship and this is completely normal. If it doesn't feel like ti will ever get better then see your doctor or find a counselor to talk things out with. There are medications you can take short term to help with situational depression and so you can cope with the stress of daily life. Don't be afraid to take these medications they can and do help lots of people deal with depression. You can take them until you start to feel better then wean your doctor can help you wean off of them. Do not ever do it your self, always follow doctor's orders. Eventually you will get to a good place both in your head and in your life where you can be happy and start looking for another relationship. This will take some time though so do not rush things. Stay connected to your feelings by continuing to write in your journal every night before you go to bed. Occasionally read back when you first started the journal and see how you have changed and progressed. You should see a natural progression of feelings and coping mechanisms that get you to where you can handle your relationship after cheating.

Office Relationships-Not Always What They Are Cracked Up To Be

Office relationships are not all they're cracked up to be. Sneaking around, trying not to be seen by anyone you work with, lying and trying to keep all the lies straight is not an easy task. You start trying to justify what you are doing by trying to convince yourself that you found the one and your relationship is better than any other you have ever had. You must be very careful or you will most assuredly get caught. When you first started working together, you didn't even really like each other but with the close proximity of working together you became fond of each other and one thing led to another. Now you want to work together for your future. Things were good before you met your secret lover. Now they are phenomenal. Some where along the line you decided it was ok to be a little selfish and start thinking only of yourself and what you want. You deliberately push thoughts of your boss and coworkers and how they will feel when they discover your indiscretion(s) away and willingly enter into office relationships. At first you may feel the exhilaration that comes along with the danger of what you are doing and that feeling may keep you going back for more. The stolen moments are just that, stolen. your behavior at work has probably changed and the boss and coworkers know something is going on. You really are not hiding anything despite what you may think. The hurt you can cause in a situation like this will only increase exponentially when you do get caught. The trust your boss and coworkers did have for you will be completely destroyed and you will most likely be fired. If you care about your job, or your lover's job, at all you will rethink continuing this relationship. Do not make your boss regret having hired you. You and your secret lover are jeopardizing your current relationships, your livelihood and even that of your children, if you have some. Think about how they will feel when what you are doing results in you losing your job. Your coworkers may even feel betrayed but mostly you will become a couple of laughing stocks when this gets out. Stop right now and think about what you are doing. Ask yourself if you really want to be responsible for destroying the lives of everyone involved. If you truly can say that you do not care about anyone but yourselves then go ahead with your plans. Just prepare yourself for the consequences because you will probably lose everything that was ever important to you and have to rebuild it all. People who enter willingly into office relationships do it without concern for the other people in their lives and think of nothing but their own gratification. Doing this will cause you and everyone concerned nothing but trouble. You could probably make things work though if one of you quit and went to another company to work. Of course in this economy you may have trouble finding another job.

Same Sex Marriage And Family Dynamics Are No Diffrent

Whether you think it's right or wrong, the truth is that some people are born to be attracted to members of their own sex. It happens in the wild with many species of animals and it happens with humans. Today more of these same sex couples are entering into marriage. The question many people are asking is what are the same sex marriage and family dynamics? Well, the truth is it's pretty much the same as a heterosexual couples family dynamics. There was a recent movie that portrayed a lesbian couple raising two children. It was interesting because they were a totally "normal" family. They dealt with the same issues, the same worries and problems that any family has to deal with. In this movie the sperm donor makes a sudden appearance back in their lives and the kids want to meet him. When they do it threatens the moms. But, that is just like any situation where a child has been raised by a non biological parent and the other parent suddenly shows up. If you take away the fact that the married couple were two women, the movie just showed family life like it is lived out all over this country. There are many instances of one parent not being up to the task, only to reappear years later when the kids are grown. The confusion, the resentments and the same sex marriage and family dynamics are no different than that of any other family. We all have the roles we play in all of our relationships. We take a certain role in our work life, we take on a certain role in our family and with our parents and we take on a certain role in our home life. That is based more on our personality and that of our spouse than our sexual orientation. The dynamics of the family will vary and ebb and flow based on what outside pressures are being applied. Whether it is a same sex marriage or a heterosexual marriage, problems can and do arise. A layoff and subsequent loss of income is an enormous stressor and can really set the normal family dynamic on it's ear. There are so many other things that can and do happen to families of all types heterosexual, homosexual, single parent, grandparent led, etc. Even something as simple and normal as the kids getting older and the issues they face can cause a ripple in the dynamics of the family. Dealing with issues your kid may face such as drug use, sexual behaviors, bullying, depression, etc. All of these things affect the normal family dynamic no matter what type of family it is. There are some who would like to find fault with, or try to say that the same sex marriage and family dynamics are wrong or abnormal. The truth is that there never really was a "normal" family dynamic. Many people cling to the "values" of the 50's but in reality there weren't a lot of values then. In those days a man could beat his wife and as long as he didn't kill her it was ok. Women were really out of luck if their husband was abusive, divorce was virtually unheard of and even if she did get away, she would have a hard time finding a job and supporting herself. Her boss could could blatantly harass her sexually and she had no protection. Some family values, huh? The fact of the matter is that the good old days weren't really all that good for many in our society. If the marriages of today, whether same sex or not, are more about love, companionship and partnerships, than control or abuse, than I would say that the same sex marriage and family dynamics are just fine.

Get Back Together With Your Ex-Patch Things Up

What follows may sound incredibly sexist and stereotypical, but that's not the intent. Instead, the whole purpose is to help you get back together with your ex wife or girlfriend. But, because everybody is different, it would be next to impossible to cover every single possibility. For that reason, we'll have to stick to generalities at the risk of rubbing a few people the wrong way. Okay, now that we have that out of the way...let's look at how you can patch things up. While there are no hard and fast statistics, some people have estimated that as many as 3 out of 4 break ups are started by women. Why is this the case? Generally speaking, women have a better idea of exactly what they want in a mate; while men are just happy to be with a breathing human being. But the other surprising thing is that it's normally the woman who wants to get back together, but there's a catch: if they don't want to get back together, then nothing will change their mind. Understanding this will help you to get your ex back. You know that the odds are against you making things work, and that she will be the one who wants to be in control. But the real key is that she only needs to feel as though she's in control. Your first step is to give her plenty of time and space to work things out on her own. There is a great chance that she will start to miss you, but you need to give her the opportunity to miss you. If you keep calling her and won't leave her alone, then she will continue being sick of you. Obviously that's not a smart move. So, if you want to get back together with your ex then you have to break off all contact. It won't be easy, but it's your safest bet. You're going to have a lot of free time now that you've broken off contact, but that doesn't mean you should just sit around. Put this time to good use by figuring out what went wrong. This isn't as easy as it sounds. You can't just look at things that are on the surface. Instead you have to dig down deep and get to the root of the problems that caused the break up. A common reason people give for breaking up is arguing, but if you don't figure out why the arguments happened, then you will never work things out. The next step is to work on solutions for the problems you've discovered. One thing to keep in mind is that you can't change anyone but yourself. So, if there are any problem that relate to your ex, then you need to forget them, forgive them, or confront her about them (the first two are much easier than the last one). If you want to get back together with your ex, then you need to be willing to do whatever it takes. The above steps won't always be easy, but they will be worth it when the two of you are happily back together.

Remedy For A Broken Heart-There Is Nothing Sadder

There is nothing sadder than suffering from a broken heart. Whether the two of you were in love for a long time, or got together recently, going through a break up hurts. Of course there will be friends and family there to comfort you; or, to be more accurate, trying to comfort you. Sure, they mean well when they give you advice, but what you need is a real remedy for a broken heart, and not a bunch of empty sayings. Is it really possible to mend your heart if it's been broken? The answer is yes it is possible, but it's not always easy. Having the right attitude is vital as you work everything out. There may be times when you feel like giving up, but stick with it and you will come out on the other side feeling better than ever before. It's going to take an investment of time, but it can be done. The first step is to get your emotions in check. Emotions always run high after a break up, so much so that it can cloud your judgment. In other words, your feelings can get the better of you. Rationality takes a backseat to recklessness and you may find yourself doing things you would never do otherwise. Being aware that this is a possibility will help you to stay level-headed. The other thing that will help you control your emotions is the passage of time. The more time that has passed since the breakup, the more your heart will naturally mend. If quite a bit of time has passed, but you still can't seem to cope, then you may need to seek the advice of your doctor or a counselor. It's possible that your broken heart has progressed into full-blown depression. Your friends and family may be telling you to "just get over it" or that you have a case of the blues, but depression is a serious medical condition. Maybe you're not depressed, but only a doctor or counselor will know for sure. Either way, you should remember that professional help is always a possible remedy for a broken heart. It's easy to fall into a state of denial after a breakup, but the sooner you face reality, the sooner you will be able to get on with your life. Denial is nothing more than a dysfunctional coping mechanism. The problem is that your broken heart can't be mended when you're in denial. Facing the reality of the situation may not be easy, but it sure beats living in denial for the rest of your life. What it all comes down to is this: Living with a broken heart isn't any fun. There is no reason that you should suffer for the rest of your life. Even if you lost your lifelong love, it's okay to feel good about yourself. Time, the right attitude and doing whatever it takes is the only sure remedy for a broken heart.

Communicate Before Marriage Values Religion Etc-Blinded By Love

You see a lot online or in magazines or on t.v. about how to deal with problems and issues in a relationship or marriage. The sad thing is that most of these problems could easily have been avoided if people would have just taken some time to communicate before marriage values, religion etc. Finding out what you have in common, what you don't agree on and what you may be able to compromise on before you are married can save a lot of stress and tension after you are married. Hey, I'm not criticizing anyone, I did the same thing. I ignored very obvious warning signs that my soon to be husband wasn't really the man for me. I was in love and apparently blind, because I went through with it and we got married. I did get two wonderful, beautiful children out of the marriage so I guess I won't complain, but many of the hurts and issues we faced could have been avoided if both of us had been more honest. It become clear fairly early on that we didn't really have that much in common. We each wanted different things in a marriage. I wanted my best friend and companionship. Someone who I knew always had my back, even when I was wrong or just not very lovable. He wanted someone to cook and clean for him. He didn't want a partner, we wanted a maid and a call girl. He was very immature and emotionally stunted, that too become pretty clear early on. If you don't want your marriage to end up in divorce, take some time to communicate before marriage values, religion etc. Finding out what your soon to be spouse is really like can be the difference between a wonderful marriage or a nightmare. Here are some basic things the two of you should be on the same page about (or at least be able to find a good compromise on): 1. If religion is something that is very important to you, it might be a good idea to marry someone with similar beliefs. If you have some belief in a higher power but you aren't too tied to any one organized religion, than it may not be a problem. 2. Do you want to have kids? If so, how many? How do you think they should be raised, should one parent stay home with them or are you both ok with the idea of daycare? If one parent should stay home, which parent? All of this is very important to take into consideration. If you have a great career you love and your soon to be husband has very traditional values and expects you to stay home and raise the kids, how is that going to make you feel? 3. What about money? Is one of you a someone who likes to pinch every penny and the other likes to rack up the credit cards to the limit? If so, how is that going to work? It will be a constant source of stress between the two of you. Also, who handles the money and financial issues, like getting insurance, paying the bills, etc.? Some couples like to do it together, which is best. But others may think that only one should do it. Find out what your partner is thinking. Communicate before marriage values, religion etc is a good idea and may just save your marriage.

Marriage Workshops For Healthy Marriages-Tune Up For Marriage

I saw a show recently where a happily married couple decided to go to marriage workshops for healthy marriages. Their friends were wondering what was wrong and were worried. After all, we are used to people getting help when their marriage is already on the brink but not when things are going well. The couple were planning on having a baby and thought getting a "tune up" was just a good idea. It was. Turns out that they had a lot of pent up resentments that neither of them were aware of. They ended up making things work out but it did take some work and some time. If you think about it, it's actually kind of dumb. Our marriages are the single biggest and most important relationship we will ever have (except for the one we have with our kids). Why not keep it healthy? We take our cars in for preventative maintenance once in a while even when there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. We go to the doctor once a year for a checkup when there are no obvious signs of trouble. Why not go to marriage workshops for healthy marriages to make sure our marriage is going well and on the right track? The truth is that just like your car or your health, your marriage can seem to be healthy but in reality there is some trouble brewing right under the surface. Neither of you may actually be aware of it on a conscious level, but it's there. Why wait until it blows up and becomes a huge problem, why not try to nip it in the bud? Whether we like it or not, resentments can and do build up, even in good marriages. Misunderstandings, the occasional inappropriate comment, these things can not only sting at the time, they can also hide just below the surface and fester. We may not be aware of them, but they are almost always there. Left on their own they might not ever become a problem. but when (or if) something happens in the marriage that heightens the stress and tension, those little sores that have been festering can often explode all at once. That is why getting the occasional checkup for your marriage is a great idea. A counselor is a great source of help because they can see things you and your partner might be too close to see. And once they have seen some sign of trouble, they can help you form a plan to navigate around that issue. It's always easier to deal with something while it is still small and pretty insignificant. It's much harder to deal with something once it has gotten huge and the anger has grown. Hopefully you and your spouse are very happy in your marriage. And, hopefully, your resentments and anger are few and far between, but even so, if you want to maintain your healthy relationship going to marriage workshops for healthy marriages might help you avoid any potential blowups in the future. And who wouldn't want that?

Inlaws In Marriage-Tips To Deal With Inlaw Dynamics

In laws in marriage, wow, I can't think of another topic that has fueled the routine of more stand up comics than this. It can be a slippery slope to be sure. You want to like your in-laws, and have them like you. But sometimes they just don't know when to quit, do they? Finding common ground, and peace will require a few simple techniques for you and your spouse to learn. My first marriage ended in divorce. It wasn't a shock to anyone. My husband begged me to marry him shortly after we started dating. I, of course, said no at first since it was just too soon. But as we got to know each other better and fell in love, my "no" turned to a "yes" and we were married. The problems started long before the wedding bells started ringing. During the planning of our wedding his mother would constantly barge in and want to make changes to our plans. The truth is that that wouldn't have been such a problem except for the fact that my spineless soon-to-be husband let her! That is rule number one when dealing with In laws in marriage: always, always keep a united front. You can argue like cats and dogs when you are alone behind closed doors, but when someone else (yes, even a parent) tries to make decisions or change existing plans you tell them no! I'll tell you right now, it's a real kick in the teeth when the person you love and who you think loves you will take his mothers advice and make changes to your wedding plans without even asking you for your opinion. And yes, I know what you're thinking, I probably should have called it off right then and there. And that leads me to point number two: the problems are usually pretty easy to spot if you aren't actively trying to ignore them . If your spouse was unable to set proper boundaries with their parents before the two of you got married, what in the world made you think they would after you got married? It's wonderful that they have a close relationship with their parent(s), but there still has to be boundaries. It's you and them now not them and their parents. That may sound harsh but that is the way it has to be. You and them are the couple, you are in this life together and must make your decisions together. It's fine to get the opinion of a parent, it's even advisable since their experience may be able to help you make better choices, but ultimately decisions have to be made by the two of you only. When it comes to dealing with Inlaws in marriage it's all about setting boundaries. The longer the two of you have been together (and the longer your inlaws have gotten their own way) the harder it will be to establish those boundaries, but if you want your marriage to succeed you must do it. And you and your spouse must be able to find some common ground. A therapist may be able to help with that part.

Family Dynamics In Marriage-Take A Step Back With Unbiased Eye

There can be many different family dynamics in marriage that occur. Often, the ones you are dealing with can be causing a lot of tension and stress. To get to the heart of all the negative issues that plague your marriage, you may need a little more help. Finding a professional who can walk you through it might be a very good idea. It's a rare individual who can look at themselves and see all of their flaws. It takes and even more unique individual to actually admit to those flaws even if they have noticed them. When you put two flawed people together with these traits into a marriage, well, yeah the sparks will fly! The first step you have to do if you want a clear picture of the family dynamics in marriage is to take a step back and try to see your marriage as clearly and with as unbiased of an eye as possible. It might be hard for you to do but it will be easy for your friends, family or a therapist to do. They aren't emotionally invested and they aren't worried about being the one who is "wrong". They can see things far more clearly than you will be able to see them. Of course, family and friends will be reluctant to tell you the truth because they won't want to hurt you or lose your friendship by making you mad. So, it's probably best to find a good therapist, they have nothing to lose so you know they will be honest. Finding the unhealthy dynamics in your family is just step one, the next step will be to get all parties involved on the same page. Trying to get more than one person who is willing to face their own flaws and actively make changes is challenging, to say the least. Most people simply aren't strong enough to be willing to face their flaws let alone actually make strides to change the. Trying to get two or more to do it is close to impossible. Still, it is worth a shot. The depth of the issues and the depth of the love are two very important factors that will help determine how likely you are to succeed in each making some needed changes. If one partner just doesn't care that much, or is just too selfish and immature, and won't try, it will be pretty close to impossible to make any real changes and make the dynamics of the family any better. Whatever the dynamics of your family are, you should always try to make improvements if you aren't happy with the way things are. No one knows whether it will fail or succeed but if you aren't happy right now, you really don't have anything to lose, do you? Family dynamics in marriage has many sides and can be quite convoluted. For that reason finding a professional who has experience in these issues will go a long way to helping your family find the peace and stability you all really want.

Friday, November 9, 2012

How To Handle Relationship Depression

Relationships depression is not uncommon in those who are in bad relationships or those who have recently experienced a relationship breakup and then got back together. When you get back together after a breakup you may expect to feel happy that you are back together but often you can actually feel depressed because you know that the relationship does have its problems. Most relationships will go through difficult patches from time to time and if you have had your share of problems but are still together then you should be happy right? If you are still together then there is no reason why you would suffer from relationships depression, so why do you? When you are going through a difficult patch in a relationship you may experience all sorts of emotions. The reason for the difficult patch could be something that is hard to get over or forget. For example, if you were cheated on then even if you and your partner are still together you probably haven't forgotten about the cheating. It will take time to get over infidelity and regain some trust in your partner and for a long time you may worry about getting hurt again. It's completely understandable that you might feel depressed. If you were the one who cheated in the relationship then you may become depression with the guilt of hurting your partner. You are happy that they forgave you but you may still feel an enormous guilt for the pain you caused them. You will also feel that your partner no longer trusts you and is suspicious of everything you do. Even in a relationship when there is no cheating involved there may be other issues that can begin to depress you. If you and your partner reached a point of breaking up or almost breaking up, then there must be some issues that have caused the relationship to reach that point. Even though you and your partner are still together you may wonder if they really do want to be with you and if a break up will occur in the future. You may become quite insecure about the relationship. When a relationship is at a point of breaking up or almost breaking up then you do go through a roller coaster of emotions. You may be living in fear of the relationship reaching that point again. You may find yourself constantly thinking about anything that is wrong in the relationship and you may constantly worry about breaking up. This constant worry and negative thinking can lead to depression. It is difficult living with someone when there is a lot of tension between you. Even if you get back together after a breakup you may feel that there are some issues that haven't been dealt with and until they are dealt with then there will always be a certain amount of tension. It is great to save a relationship and stop a potential break up and it is great to get back together and save a relationship after a break up. However, the issues that caused the relationship to reach that point must be dealt with otherwise the relationship will not continue on a happy path and you can find yourself suffering from relationships depression.

When You Need Space In A Relationship

Do you find that you need more space than you are getting in a relationship? Is your partner asking for more space in a relationship? There is no set space amount allocated to couples in a relationship as each couple is different and different people require different amount of space. Some couples are happy the most when they are constantly together while others find that they do need some time to themselves. The most difficult part is finding a compromise so that both partners in the relationship are happy with the amount of space they have. It can become quite difficult if each partner has a different idea of how much space they need. One person may like a lot of time to themselves while the other may like to be together much more. You need to try and reach a point somewhere in between that you can both be happy with. Some people just don't like to be alone and can become depressed when they get lonely. They like to always be spending time with someone whether it is their friends, family or their partner. Some people just like to have a little bit of time alone each day to relax and relieve the stress of the day. They like some 'alone' time to have that solitude when they can be themselves and just completely relax. Some people don't like being tied down to one person and like a lot of freedom. They like to go out with their friends whenever they want to and not have someone stop them. They might like to go to the gym or for a ride just to get some alone time. They really enjoy being able to do the things they love on their own. These are three different levels of how much space a person wants and it is good to find a balance somewhere in the middle. It is good to have some time alone to relax and recharge and it is good to spend time with your partner also. If both parties in a relationship fall into the middle range of how much space they need then that will work out really well. Or even if you both fall into the same category of needing lots of space or not needing much space at all, as long as you are both on the same level then it is easy to work it out. Problems can occur when the two partners have completely different ideas of how much space a person should have. If one loves to spend lots of time alone while the other doesn't like to be alone, then it can be difficult to reach a compromise. If you really love one another then you need to try to understand the other person’s point of view and try to compromise. If you can't reach a compromise then the person that doesn't like to be alone will feel neglected and lonely when the other partner often goes out on their own. At the same time, if a person likes to have lots of space they can feel smothered when the other partner is hanging around them constantly. You need to communicate with one another and be honest about how you feel about how much space you need. If you don't communicate about how much space you both need then that may lead to problems if one feels neglected or smothered, so it's best to talk about it and reach some sort of agreement of the amount of space needed in your relationship.

Is Your Relationships Ready For The Next Level

Before you make any big changes in a relationship you always need to evaluate the current relationship. When you have been dating for a little while and are considering taking it to the next level in becoming intimate, you need to consider where you are and whether you are ready for that move. Also if you have been dating for quite a while and are considering marriage you will also need to carefully evaluate the relationship to make sure you are ready to take things to that level. Although becoming intimate and getting married may seem like the next obvious step in your relationship, it isn't always as easy as it seems. Here are a couple of reasons why you should always carefully evaluate your relationship before moving to that next level. 1. If you don't take a good look at your relationship you could end up waiting too long and be in too deep to be objective in your evaluation. When you have fallen badly for this person you see the relationship through rose colored glasses and you may choose to ignore the small, annoying things. You may ignore any problems that you know are there but you just don't want to see. If you know there are problems and are choosing to ignore them for now then you probably shouldn't be moving further into the relationship. You should try to recognize any problems and work through them or realize the relationship isn't meant to be and leave before it gets any more serious. 2. Sometimes early in a relationship people don't act like themselves and any negative habits or traits may be hidden or guarded carefully. If this is happening then it can be easy to move to the next level when you think everything is great, but when you get to that next level your partner may begin to show their true colors and you may feel like you've made a mistake. With both of these situations it can be difficult to evaluate the relationship correctly and decide whether you really should move on to the next level. Before moving on to the next level, whether it be getting intimate or getting married, you need to know your partner well and take a long, good, honest look at the relationship and where it is heading. You should take your time when making the decision to move to the next level. Take your time so that you can see any warning signs if there are any, if you rush into things then you might miss the warning signs. To have a successful relationship you need to be confident and happy within yourself so it is always important to make sure that you are happy and are confident before taking a relationship to the next level. If you're partner is mistreating you in any way, don't fool yourself into thinking that they will stop doing this if you take the relationship to the next level. If anything, they will probably treat you worse, so if you are being mistreated now then it's best to end the relationship rather than move on to the next level. If you evaluate your relationship and see that you are happy and truly in love then you can happily move forward to the next level with confidence knowing that you made the decision carefully. Those who don't take the time to evaluate often find themselves in unhappy, maybe even abusive, relationships.

Relationship Sites Can Help With Almost Any Situation

There are relationship sites out there that will give you reliable information on what the signs are that there is cheating in a relationship or how to improve your relationship. What ever you need to figure out in your relationship you can probably find it online. This article will help you know for sure. Is he spending less and less time at home with you? If you find yourself begging him to spend time together and then when he is at home with you he has an attitude the whole time and can't wait for the time to be done, this may be a sign he is cheating. Relationship sites can point you in the right direction. Does he get up early and come home late? He may be meeting someone he doesn't want you to know about. If he leaves the house in the morning before you wake up or starts making excuses about having to work late and can't look you in the eye when he does get home you may have to start to worry that he is having an affair. Has he started to pay more attention to his appearance or begun to work out everyday? He may be trying to get in shape to impress some young thing at the office or gym. Ask him if you can go along with him when he works out. If he makes some excuse why you can't go with him this is a good indication that he has something going on. You could look for the old standby signs of lipstick on the collar of his shirt or a receipt for a special gift that he buys and you don't get. He may be trying to hide something he's done wrong if he is rushing out to the mailbox every day just so you won't get there first. If you get a chance, check the credit card bill for charges to a hotel or motel. A sign can't get much clearer than that. If you try to call him during the day and he becomes increasingly harder to get a hold of, it may mean he is again hiding something from you and cannot get up the nerve to face you. Another way to tell if he may be cheating is if he seems to have no interest in sex any more. Do you practically have to beg him to be intimate with you these days? Open your eyes and start looking at all the clues he is leaving you because he is leaving them. You just have to be smarter and figure them out. If you have been together for some time, you probably know when he is lying. So when you ask him whether or not he is cheating on you, you will be able to see the lie in his eyes even when he is telling you that he is not cheating on you. Keep your eyes peeled for any significant changes in his behavior, dying his hair, wearing a new cologne, buying new clothes for himself or whatever and if you do notice something bring it up to him and see how he responds, pay close attention to his body language and whether or not he looks you in the eye during your conversation. These are examples of things to watch out for when looking on rlationship sites.

Relationship Status-Not Feeling The Love

Are you confused about you relationship status? If you are asking this question you probably already know the answer. It doesn't really matter what the reasons are, if you do not feel the love anymore it may be time to move on down the road. Every couple will have a different reason for breaking up. Maybe you just don't communicate effectively. Maybe there are too many things the other one does that bug you and you find yourselves fighting all the time. If you can't stand to be in the same room with each other, this may be a sign that the two of you should be done. Even though I said that it doesn't matter what the reasons are, let me give you some examples of reasons someone would want to know what their relationship status was anyway, ok? Look out for behavior changes. Does your partner come home and do anything they can to stay away from you or not talk to you? How about making eye contact? Nope? Well, there may be something really wrong and you can try to ask them what it is. Be prepared for what you might get as an answer. If they find excuse after excuse why they can't go here or there with you there could be a problem. Assess the situation and see if you can come up with a reasonable explanation. Maybe they don't feel good or something is wrong at work. Or, maybe they just do not want to be in the relationship any more and don't know how not to hurt you. If you try to initiate an intimacy and they are not interested, you may have to investigate the possibility that they have something going on with someone else. All too often when one partner loses interest in being intimate it's because they have found someone new and are getting their needs met by someone else. Have you noticed they are trying to hide when they are having conversations on the phone?Are they talking on the phone in the bathroom with the water running? Are they trying to hide what they are doing on the computer. Could be they are having a cyber-affair. If you notice that they have files on the computer that are suddenly password protected then you can bet they are keeping secrets and going behind your back. If you do notice any of these behaviors then you should be the one to confront them and end the relationship. There is no use in prolonging the agony and ignoring the situation. The relationship is over and you have known it for a long time. When you do get down to the brass tacks and have your talk each of you will probably be so relieved you will wonder why you waited so long. Life is too short to spend your time with someone you don't love and who doesn't love you back. The best thing you can do at this point is to admit what your relationship status really is and be all done with the whole thing..

Relationship Support-Tips To Revive Your Relationship

If you need relationship support and you do not know where to turn, take a minute and read this article. I will give you some tips on how to improve a stagnant relationship. How do you spice up a boring relationship? First things first, the two of you need to have a serious talk. Set a time when you will both be home and have no other obligations. Make an appointment if you have to. Make sure the distractions are kept to a minimum so you can work this all out. If you have kids, send them over to grandma's house for the night. Get some paper and a pen, start out by listing what is good about your relationship and what is bad or needs work. Make this list as complete as possible. Beside each item on the list under the heading "needs work", come up with ways to make each one better or go away if necessary. Be creative with your ideas, if you both end up laughing during this session so much the better, some things may be fixed just by having fun together doing this exercise. Vow to make a commitment to each other that you will both strive to make things better. Start working together as your own relationship support and soon you will be happier than you have been in a long time. Start doing little things for each other. When was the last time you bought him a card for no reason? Or you told her she was the best thing that has ever happened to you? Were you really just going to let this relationship die without fighting for it? That would have been a terrible shame. If the love is still there, then there is hope for the two of you to salvage your relationship. Make yourselves a date night and stick to it, every single week. Do not let anything get in the way. Pick a favorite place to go or choose a different place each week, it doesn't matter as long as you keep the relationship fresh and exciting. A nice dinner and a movie or maybe a show at a dinner theater. Heck, even a local hockey game or high school football game would be fun. Any way to just spend some quality time together. In addition to these suggestions, it wouldn't hurt to go see someone knowledgeable in helping couples stay together or putting their relationship back together if it has crumbled. sometimes you just can't do it on your own. So if you need a little boost while you are working on your relationship or there are issues that the two of you cannot work out this is your best option to make things better. A good counselor will work with you to come up with a compromise that is acceptable for both of you. If communication is the biggest issue in your relationship the counselor can show you better ways to communicate with each other and give you homework so you can practice. No one is born knowing how to communicate effectively, it is a learned behavior. So do not feel badly if you have to ask for relationship support for the health of your relationship, feel good about it.

Close Relationships-Keeping In Touch With Loved Ones

Close relationships are very important in life. They can help keep you feeling loved and have confidence in yourself. Having the support of your loved ones is probably one of the most important factors in your life. It may be easier when everyone is living at home but there are still ways to remain close when everyone moves out on their own. The first and best way is to keep in touch as best you can. These days with the social networks, email and testing, keeping in touch is a whole lot easier than it ever used to be. I have a sibling that lives in Arizona and the social networks is exactly how we keep in touch. Being able to post pictures of each others family to keep tabs on how everyone is growing is a big plus. We can watch each others children grow up and even though we still miss stuff we do not feel so detached. We decided to keep close relationships by contributing some of our favorite photos that we have taken throughout the year and sending them to each other in alternate years to put together a new photo album each year. That way when the holidays come around everyone can enjoy the new album along with the older editions. Scrap booking is huge with us, too. Each child has his or her own scrap book for different things that have occurred in our lives or our children's lives. Then, just like the photo albums we bring them along to holiday or other family gatherings for everyone to enjoy. Now, of course, not every relationship can be all sunshine and roses all the time. To keep our relationships close we know how to handle those times when someone has a problem and is not realizing that they are snapping at everyone that gets in their way. The best way to handle this type of problem is to really show that you care and ask what the problem is and offer to help any way you can. This shows the family member that you are concerned and willing to help if needed. When people come outside themselves and put themselves out there to help a loved one this helps the relationship stay close. Confidence and self-assurance is also key to healthy relationships with other people. If you know who you are and are comfortable in your own skin then other relationships come easy, especially if the other person in the relationship is confident and self-assured. too. Learn to listen to what others are saying. If you listen closely then you will hear and be able to decipher the signals they are sending out. You will be able to pick up on the nuances and subtleties of their speech and body language to discern their meanings. Commit yourself to a daily ritual of learning to reflect upon yourself and your feelings. This may take some time to accomplish but do not give up. The better you get at it then you will be able to do the same with all your other close relationships.

Office Relationships-Not Always What They Are Cracked Up To Be

Office relationships are not all they're cracked up to be. Sneaking around, trying not to be seen by anyone you work with, lying and trying to keep all the lies straight is not an easy task. You start trying to justify what you are doing by trying to convince yourself that you found the one and your relationship is better than any other you have ever had. You must be very careful or you will most assuredly get caught. When you first started working together, you didn't even really like each other but with the close proximity of working together you became fond of each other and one thing led to another. Now you want to work together for your future. Things were good before you met your secret lover. Now they are phenomenal. Some where along the line you decided it was ok to be a little selfish and start thinking only of yourself and what you want. You deliberately push thoughts of your boss and coworkers and how they will feel when they discover your indiscretion(s) away and willingly enter into office relationships. At first you may feel the exhilaration that comes along with the danger of what you are doing and that feeling may keep you going back for more. The stolen moments are just that, stolen. your behavior at work has probably changed and the boss and coworkers know something is going on. You really are not hiding anything despite what you may think. The hurt you can cause in a situation like this will only increase exponentially when you do get caught. The trust your boss and coworkers did have for you will be completely destroyed and you will most likely be fired. If you care about your job, or your lover's job, at all you will rethink continuing this relationship. Do not make your boss regret having hired you. You and your secret lover are jeopardizing your current relationships, your livelihood and even that of your children, if you have some. Think about how they will feel when what you are doing results in you losing your job. Your coworkers may even feel betrayed but mostly you will become a couple of laughing stocks when this gets out. Stop right now and think about what you are doing. Ask yourself if you really want to be responsible for destroying the lives of everyone involved. If you truly can say that you do not care about anyone but yourselves then go ahead with your plans. Just prepare yourself for the consequences because you will probably lose everything that was ever important to you and have to rebuild it all. People who enter willingly into office relationships do it without concern for the other people in their lives and think of nothing but their own gratification. Doing this will cause you and everyone concerned nothing but trouble. You could probably make things work though if one of you quit and went to another company to work. Of course in this economy you may have trouble finding another job.

Define Your Relationship-Take Time Dont Push

When you meet that one person in the world meant for you and the two of you start a relationship, the best thing you should do first is to define the relationship. Some would say that you should not put much energy into a relationship right at the start, you should just go with the flow but, if the relationship is to be a successful one you should shape it and mold it right from the start. That way you can see early on out what kind of a relationship it is and what kind it is going to be. Successful relationships do not just happen. They are successful because they are built on several key factors. Mutual respect is a very important factor. Mutual respect for each other tends to lead to trust which is also so important in a relationship. Love is fickle but if you have the love, respect and trust you are on your way to having a successful relationship. Relationships that have all these things just make it look easy. Another way to help define your relationship is to get to know each other so well that you know how the other will react to any given situation at any given moment. Remember the old Newlywed Game? I always liked that show because you could really tell the couples who knew each other and the ones who had a lot of work to do to get to know each other. I would get a really good feeling about the ones who answered all their questions correctly, you just knew they had a good foundation. Knowing what the other is thinking doesn't necessarily mean you have good communication skills. Although it does help, good communication skills take some time and effort to acquire. You are not just born with them. Having and using effective communication skills means you are able to take the other person's feelings and opinions into consideration without getting angry and lashing out. Being able to make small decisions well makes it easier when having to make the bigger decisions down the road. A truly good relationship will start with how good each individual is. I don't mean good versus bad, I mean how mature, responsible, good communication skills. If each person brings those attributes to the relationship then the overall relationship will be better more often than not. You hear all the time that good relationships are made up of good communication skills, but what the heck does that mean? Does it mean you know how to talk circles around your partner? No, of course not. It means that you can listen to each other with respect, you don't jump on every little thing that they say and that you learn how to accurately communicate your point without belittling your partner. Learn to do that and the two of you are on your way to having a good relationship. We are definitely a society that needs for things to be spelled out and defined. It just seems to make people more comfortable when things are very clearly spelled out. when it comes to your relationship it's important to make sure that you each know what you want and what you don't want, figuring that out is how you best define your relationship.

Relationship After Cheating-Kick Him To The Curb

You just found out that your spouse is cheating. What happens to your relationship after cheating is pretty much up to you at this point? Do you forgive and forget or do you kick him to the curb? Frankly, if it were me, I would kick him to the curb. You could never trust him again and, seriously, why would you ever want to try? I don't like being played for a fool, he would be gone so fast he would not know what hit him. But then what? Where would you be then? All alone with no one to talk to? If you were really in love then the hurt would be completely devastating and it would take a lot of time to get over him. It would be difficult to enter into another relationship after cheating. When you make the decision to kick him to the curb you automatically take control from him. You get you back and you get to start making the rules. No more passivity, no more depending on him for your happiness. Tell him that it is over and done then absolutely refuse to have any contact with him whatsoever. He is no longer worth your time. If he wants to talk to you he should do it through your lawyer. Let the anger you feel be your guide, for now. Do not let it consume you because it will literally eat you up inside and you will not be good to anyone, especially yourself. So, use the anger effectively to get through the divorce and then learn to let it go. See someone to help if you need to but find a way to let it go. One good way to vent your anger and other feelings is to start a daily journal. This is a way to track how you are dealing with the wrong that was done to you. You can vent all you like and say anything you want when you put it in a journal. Journal writing can be very cleansing, not to mention healing. It is there for you only to get your feelings out, no one can take that away from you. You may feel some depression over the loss of the relationship and this is completely normal. If it doesn't feel like ti will ever get better then see your doctor or find a counselor to talk things out with. There are medications you can take short term to help with situational depression and so you can cope with the stress of daily life. Don't be afraid to take these medications they can and do help lots of people deal with depression. You can take them until you start to feel better then wean your doctor can help you wean off of them. Do not ever do it your self, always follow doctor's orders. Eventually you will get to a good place both in your head and in your life where you can be happy and start looking for another relationship. This will take some time though so do not rush things. Stay connected to your feelings by continuing to write in your journal every night before you go to bed. Occasionally read back when you first started the journal and see how you have changed and progressed. You should see a natural progression of feelings and coping mechanisms that get you to where you can handle your relationship after cheating.

Are Your Relationships Needs Being Met

A relationship has a much better chance of being happy and lasting long term if both parties’ relationships needs are being met. If your needs aren't being met then there is a much higher chance that the relationship won’t last. If your relationship has ended and you are trying to get back together and make it work, it is important to work on having relationships needs met for both partners. To be able to get your needs met your partner must know what your needs are. They cannot try to meet your needs if they have no idea what they are. Good communication is essential for a happy relationship. Your partner will want to meet your needs but you must tell them what they are so they can do so. Just as you need to tell your partner what your relationships needs are you also need to encourage your partner to tell you what their needs are. If you have never asked your partner about his needs before you may actually be surprised by what their needs are. If you have the need to be told by your partner that they love you and you like to be told this often then you might assume that they have the same need. You may tell them often that you love them but in actual fact they may not have that need at all. I'm sure he enjoys being told that you love him but it might not be his need and his needs may be completely different and still not being met. Perhaps he prefers to be shown that you love him rather than being told. A relationship can really be strengthened just by having this simple discussion and talking about your needs. You will find it so much easier to make each other happy when you know what the other person wants. You may feel a little uncomfortable talking about your needs but you should try to do it anyway, it really can help improve your relationship. Your needs may be that you need your partner to help around the house a little more. Maybe you wish that he would help vacuum or tidy up but you don't like to ask for his help so you do it on your own. You may begin to feel some resentment toward him for not helping when in actual fact he has no idea that you would like his help around the house. It is very simple to ask for his help and he may be quite willing to do it. There is no point getting angry with him for not helping out or meeting your needs if you have never told him what your needs are. If you stomp around vacuuming or slamming things around as you are tidying up then you are using passive aggressive behavior which is very common in relationships. Many people use this type of behavior when they become angry that their needs aren't being met when in actual fact it wouldn't be necessary if they just talked about their needs. Talking about your needs instead of using passive aggressive behavior will make the relationship a much happier one and you won't be so angry and resentful. If you use passive aggressive behavior he will just think you are acting like a spoilt brat and will only feel guilted into helping. If you talk to him and explain your needs then he will be much happier to help you. Your needs could be varied and are not restricted to housework, it could be showing affection or feeling respected. People have many needs and you really should discuss your relationships needs to have a long and happy relationship.

Great Advice From Relationships Experts

A lot of what relationships experts will tell you is basic common sense. Although we often already know what they tell us, we don't really put it into perspective in our lives until we hear someone else say it. Relationships experts know how to communicate and they can help to explain to us what we already know, but in a way that we can understand and relate to. Sometimes you just don't see the whole picture when you are stuck in the middle of things and a relationships expert can help you to see the whole picture. They can make you 'get it' when you are having trouble understanding. A relationships expert can help you to understand what to give and what to expect in a relationship, something that some people just don't 'get'. Relationships often reach a point, after the honeymoon period is over, where couples may begin to take each other for granted. We stop all those romantic gestures and sometimes begin to just expect things, instead of appreciating them. Often couples don't realize that they are taking each other for granted or not showing appreciation until the relationship comes to an end. If your relationship is showing signs of trouble then it might be beneficial to take advice from relationships experts to see where you can improve and fix what is going wrong. To save a relationship that is in trouble, relationships experts may suggest to start doing small gestures that your partner will appreciate. Doing things that your partner will appreciate is really common sense but it is something we often forget to do. You can do these small gestures at any time, whether your relationship is in trouble or not. Always try to show your partner that you care about what they like and what they do. You should always value and respect the other person's opinions even if you don't agree with them. You should have good communication and when you don't agree on issues then you need to try and reach a compromise that will keep both parties happy. Tell your partner that you love him or show him that you love him by using romantic gestures. We all use romantic gestures when we first start dating but soon they get forgotten, so to get the spark back into your relationship you can start being romantic again and you might be surprised that he too will begin to be more romantic to you. One more lesson the relationships experts will teach is to always have respect for your partner. Never take your partner for granted and always respect their beliefs, opinions and their interests. Don't make fun of them because you don't like a particular interest that they like. You don't have to like everything that they like but you do need to respect their interests. It is too easy to become too relaxed in a relationship and lose that spark and with it we might lose appreciation of one another. Always try to appreciate your partner and treat them with respect and you should have a long and happy relationship.

Are You Suffering Relationships Depression

Relationships depression is not uncommon in those who are in bad relationships or those who have recently experienced a relationship breakup and then got back together. When you get back together after a breakup you may expect to feel happy that you are back together but often you can actually feel depressed because you know that the relationship does have its problems. Most relationships will go through difficult patches from time to time and if you have had your share of problems but are still together then you should be happy right? If you are still together then there is no reason why you would suffer from relationships depression, so why do you? When you are going through a difficult patch in a relationship you may experience all sorts of emotions. The reason for the difficult patch could be something that is hard to get over or forget. For example, if you were cheated on then even if you and your partner are still together you probably haven't forgotten about the cheating. It will take time to get over infidelity and regain some trust in your partner and for a long time you may worry about getting hurt again. It's completely understandable that you might feel depressed. If you were the one who cheated in the relationship then you may become depression with the guilt of hurting your partner. You are happy that they forgave you but you may still feel an enormous guilt for the pain you caused them. You will also feel that your partner no longer trusts you and is suspicious of everything you do. Even in a relationship when there is no cheating involved there may be other issues that can begin to depress you. If you and your partner reached a point of breaking up or almost breaking up, then there must be some issues that have caused the relationship to reach that point. Even though you and your partner are still together you may wonder if they really do want to be with you and if a break up will occur in the future. You may become quite insecure about the relationship. When a relationship is at a point of breaking up or almost breaking up then you do go through a roller coaster of emotions. You may be living in fear of the relationship reaching that point again. You may find yourself constantly thinking about anything that is wrong in the relationship and you may constantly worry about breaking up. This constant worry and negative thinking can lead to depression. It is difficult living with someone when there is a lot of tension between you. Even if you get back together after a breakup you may feel that there are some issues that haven't been dealt with and until they are dealt with then there will always be a certain amount of tension. It is great to save a relationship and stop a potential break up and it is great to get back together and save a relationship after a break up. However, the issues that caused the relationship to reach that point must be dealt with otherwise the relationship will not continue on a happy path and you can find yourself suffering from relationships depression.

How To Prevent Needing A Relationship Rescue Service

Have you found yourself wondering whether you need a relationship rescue service? Is your love life showing signs of trouble? Has your relationship gone stale? Do you find that you don't spend much quality time with your partner and there are no signs of affection between you anymore? Do you sometimes feel that your partner would rather be somewhere else instead of being with you? There are many reasons why relationships go cold and quite often it can be saved. If you're partner isn't showing you any attention or affection it could be because she has other things on her mind. She may be worrying about health issues, about money or about her job. She may be feeling stressed and run down and just wants to relax when she gets home. Lack of attention and affection doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't love you. In any relationship communication is very important to work through these tough times. The book "The Magic of Making Up" by T Jackson is great at explaining how to improve communication in a relationship. He explains how most relationships actually break up as a result of a lack of communication than for any other reason. If a couple will not talk to one another then they have no hope of working through any problems they face. If you have any worries or concerns about your relationship then they will only become worse if you cannot openly discuss them. Problems can seem much worse than they are and can become worse in your mind when they are not discussed and solved. If your partner doesn't know about your worries or concerns then they cannot do anything to help solve those issues. The longer problems go on without being dealt with the worse they become and then they are much harder to deal with. If you have any issues in your relationship it is best to find a quiet time to talk together and discuss your feelings. You need to explain how you feel because you're partner isn't a mind reader and can't help you if you don't tell her. You also need to listen when she wants to talk and try to understand her feelings. When you both listen to each other and try to understand the other person’s feelings then it is much easier to work through any issues that arise. A relationship takes hard work and communication is vital to success. You need to have trust and respect to be able to keep love alive and the relationship running smoothly. When you have good communication then you generally have trust and respect for one another. Communicating with your partner is the best way to solve any issues and to keep your relationship happy and strong. If your relationship seems to be going stale then you need to talk about the problem and what you can do together to fix it. If you feel the relationship is going stale then there is a good chance that your partner feels the same way. If neither of you talk about it then it will continue to get worse until the relationship is beyond rescuing. But if you talk about the relationship and work through it together then you won't need a relationship rescue service, you will save the relationship together.

When You Need Space In A Relationship

Do you find that you need more space than you are getting in a relationship? Is your partner asking for more space in a relationship? There is no set space amount allocated to couples in a relationship as each couple is different and different people require different amount of space. Some couples are happy the most when they are constantly together while others find that they do need some time to themselves. The most difficult part is finding a compromise so that both partners in the relationship are happy with the amount of space they have. It can become quite difficult if each partner has a different idea of how much space they need. One person may like a lot of time to themselves while the other may like to be together much more. You need to try and reach a point somewhere in between that you can both be happy with. Some people just don't like to be alone and can become depressed when they get lonely. They like to always be spending time with someone whether it is their friends, family or their partner. Some people just like to have a little bit of time alone each day to relax and relieve the stress of the day. They like some 'alone' time to have that solitude when they can be themselves and just completely relax. Some people don't like being tied down to one person and like a lot of freedom. They like to go out with their friends whenever they want to and not have someone stop them. They might like to go to the gym or for a ride just to get some alone time. They really enjoy being able to do the things they love on their own. These are three different levels of how much space a person wants and it is good to find a balance somewhere in the middle. It is good to have some time alone to relax and recharge and it is good to spend time with your partner also. If both parties in a relationship fall into the middle range of how much space they need then that will work out really well. Or even if you both fall into the same category of needing lots of space or not needing much space at all, as long as you are both on the same level then it is easy to work it out. Problems can occur when the two partners have completely different ideas of how much space a person should have. If one loves to spend lots of time alone while the other doesn't like to be alone, then it can be difficult to reach a compromise. If you really love one another then you need to try to understand the other person’s point of view and try to compromise. If you can't reach a compromise then the person that doesn't like to be alone will feel neglected and lonely when the other partner often goes out on their own. At the same time, if a person likes to have lots of space they can feel smothered when the other partner is hanging around them constantly. You need to communicate with one another and be honest about how you feel about how much space you need. If you don't communicate about how much space you both need then that may lead to problems if one feels neglected or smothered, so it's best to talk about it and reach some sort of agreement of the amount of space needed in your relationship.

Is Your Relationships Ready For The Next Level

Before you make any big changes in a relationship you always need to evaluate the current relationship. When you have been dating for a little while and are considering taking it to the next level in becoming intimate, you need to consider where you are and whether you are ready for that move. Also if you have been dating for quite a while and are considering marriage you will also need to carefully evaluate the relationship to make sure you are ready to take things to that level. Although becoming intimate and getting married may seem like the next obvious step in your relationship, it isn't always as easy as it seems. Here are a couple of reasons why you should always carefully evaluate your relationship before moving to that next level. 1. If you don't take a good look at your relationship you could end up waiting too long and be in too deep to be objective in your evaluation. When you have fallen badly for this person you see the relationship through rose colored glasses and you may choose to ignore the small, annoying things. You may ignore any problems that you know are there but you just don't want to see. If you know there are problems and are choosing to ignore them for now then you probably shouldn't be moving further into the relationship. You should try to recognize any problems and work through them or realize the relationship isn't meant to be and leave before it gets any more serious. 2. Sometimes early in a relationship people don't act like themselves and any negative habits or traits may be hidden or guarded carefully. If this is happening then it can be easy to move to the next level when you think everything is great, but when you get to that next level your partner may begin to show their true colors and you may feel like you've made a mistake. With both of these situations it can be difficult to evaluate the relationship correctly and decide whether you really should move on to the next level. Before moving on to the next level, whether it be getting intimate or getting married, you need to know your partner well and take a long, good, honest look at the relationship and where it is heading. You should take your time when making the decision to move to the next level. Take your time so that you can see any warning signs if there are any, if you rush into things then you might miss the warning signs. To have a successful relationship you need to be confident and happy within yourself so it is always important to make sure that you are happy and are confident before taking a relationship to the next level. If you're partner is mistreating you in any way, don't fool yourself into thinking that they will stop doing this if you take the relationship to the next level. If anything, they will probably treat you worse, so if you are being mistreated now then it's best to end the relationship rather than move on to the next level. If you evaluate your relationship and see that you are happy and truly in love then you can happily move forward to the next level with confidence knowing that you made the decision carefully. Those who don't take the time to evaluate often find themselves in unhappy, maybe even abusive, relationships.

New Marriage-Just The Beginning

The beginning of a marriage can seem like a magical time, but it can also be a time where you can easily start building resentments and distrust if you are not careful. Here are a few points to keep in mind so you can keep your new marriage feeling for a long time to come. Probably one of the most difficult, and potentially dangerous, situations for a newlywed couple is finding the right balance when dealing with in-laws. This can be especially difficult if one of the partners was still living at home right before the marriage. It can take time for the parent to learn to let go and they may want to be in the life of their newlywed child more than the newlywed child, and spouse, would really like. It's important that the newlyweds stay united on this front. Decide (compromise if you have to) on what the limits will be. Decide if you think the parents should call before they stop by, or if you think you should limit the number of visits and calls weekly. Once the two of you have come up with a plan you can both agree on, it's time to tell the folks. Whether you do it together as a couple or one on one will depend on the unique dynamic of the relationship. If the parents of one partner don't particularly like the spouse, it may be best if the child talks to their parents without their spouse,otherwise there could be fireworks. The other big problem a new marriage can face is not knowing how to be a couple. You've both been independent and it might take some time to begin to think more like a couple. No one is saying that you have to lose your identity, far from it. It's really all about balance. Finding the right balance between your "couplehood" and your independence. And the right balance for you and your marriage may not be right for someone else. You and your spouse need to find your balance. For example, some newlyweds feel like they need to be joined at the hip but unless you are both comfortable with that arrangement, it will only cause trouble. Instead, why not keep the same basic balance you had before you were married? Is there any real reason that that has to change just because you are married? In most cases, no. You also have to both be willing to talk about things like money and feelings. I know it can be hard and you don't have to share every little thing, but you are in this together now and it's important to establish trust and open lines of communication. The sooner you both learn to do it the smoother your marriage will be. For many newlywed couples the issues they face are pretty easy to deal with when compared to issues they are likely to deal with later in the marriage. If you can't find a way to work through these easy issues what are you going to do when you have kids, or are faced with health issues, or money issues later in your marriage? Think of your new marriage like the foundation of your married life. Take the time to make sure you both learn how to communicate, compromise and work through problems together. If you do you will enjoy your marriage a whole lot more.

Relationship And People-May Help You Make A Difficult Decision

If you are in a relationship and people are telling you in no uncertain terms that they think you should get out of the relationship maybe it is something you should listen to closely. Most people in a relationship can't see the bad stuff that is right in front of their faces and need someone close to them to point things out. Even if you do not believe the people who are close to you, hear them out. They are on the outside looking in and have a different perspective than you do. Love is blind and if things are bad enough for someone close to you to want to step in then just keep an open mind and listen to what they have to say. Your relationship and people close to you are both important and you do not want to alienate anyone. Maybe you just do not want to leave the relationship because you are afraid you will not be able to support your children and yourself. Remember that if you move out and divorce him, he will most likely have to pay child support. That will help. I know someone who set everything up about six months before she was going to leave. She went and spoke with the housing people and filled out all their forms and actually had a place to take her kids right away when she left. She got a little money in the divorce and with her job and the child support she was able to manage just fine. If this appeals to you then keep in mind that these types of applications can take some time to get approved so give yourself plenty of time before you make the move. When you do get out of your bad relationship, do not just move down the street or into your parent's home. This will make it too easy for your spouse to find you. Move to the next county if you can so it is harder for him to find you and this will give you more time to sort things out and get everything in order for the divorce. You can ask your family and friends for support and help you with babysitting and things like that, this should make the transition for your children better. They can be with people they know and not strangers in a day care center. They will be able to spend more time with their grandparents or other family members this way, too. You could take the time right after you move out to find counselors for you and the kids, too. Get busy fixing the damage done by the bad relationship. The more you heal before you have to have contact with your soon-to-be-ex the better off you and the kids will be after the divorce. Do not just think that things will take care of themselves. They may or may not so why take chances? Get the help you need right off the bat. You can survive this relationship and people who love you are here to help.

Husband Relationship-Improving Self Will Help

If you are saying to yourself that you still want a husband relationship, there is help out there to find ways to get him back. If your relationship ended because he did something stupid there is a chance he still has feelings for you, too. If that something stupid was a misunderstanding that snowballed out of control and the only way out for the both of you was to break up, then just ask for an apology and forgive him. If both of you need to apologize then all you have to do is to be the bigger person and make that first apology. Another way to get your husband relationship back is to use what we have available to us today. If you do not want to talk to him or are too embarrassed, then email or text him. If he responds then you are off and running. Set up a place to meet, have lunch or coffee and just talk. Do not get into anything heavy about what went wrong within your relationship, just talk and keep things friendly. While you are apart though, it would be a good idea to try to improve yourself in some way. Once he sees that you have made some of the changes that need to be made then you may inspire him to do the same and he may even ask for tips on how you are making the changes you are making. If he does ask then you will have more things to talk about and maybe can find things that the both of you are interested in, too. He may even say to himself that I am still in love with my ex and want to explore the possibility of getting back together. When wanting to him get back, it can be very helpful to consider what went wrong and who screwed up. This isn't about whose fault it was, it's about finding the solutions to the problems that led to the break up of your relationship in the first place. Once you have done that the rest can fall into place pretty easily. No matter who was at fault more than likely you both made some mistakes and can benefit from making some changes. This is the best way to start. It can allow you to not only get back with your ex but you will both have a much better chance of making things work if you do reconcile. It can make you both more mindful of the other's feelings. It is also very important for you to spend time doing the things you like to do and spending time with the people you enjoy spending time with. All of this will allow you some breathing room and time to deal with your own issues. It will also make the time seem to go a little faster while you are making changes. It doesn't matter what method you use, if you follow these ways to get your husband relationship back and do everything you can do to ensure your relationship will be strong this time around, he will most likely be saying that he is still in love with you, too.

Communicating In Marriage-Learning To Talk And Listen Key

You hear it all the time, communicating in marriage is the one single factor that can make a marriage strong or weak. You often hear people say that they "just don't communicate anymore" the truth is in a lot of cases they never really did, at least not in a constructive way. If you and your spouse have good communications skills right from the start, you will be able to avert many of the problems that plague a lot of marriages. People think that they communicate effectively, but rarely do, with their spouse and often even with other friends and family. Communicating in marriage isn't about talking all the time, it's about listening too. That is the part most people fail at. You "pretend" to listen but in reality your mind is elsewhere. It's easy to make excuses for that behavior saying things to yourself such as: "I don't need to listen, she will just repeat it again in an hour" or "Here he goes again, covering the same old ground". The truth is that the reason your spouse repeats them self could well be a learned habit. You might have taught them very early on that you don't really listen or pay attention to them when they talk. They may have developed the habit of repeating themselves just because they don't think they are ever really being heard. If that's the case, it will take some time to reverse the trends, both them repeating themselves and you really learning to listen effectively. Having a counselor help the two of you form more effective methods of communication is a great idea too. Just re-learning some habits can make a world of difference, and with a counselor it's far less likely that the two of you will get angry or defensive when you hear something less than flattering about yourself. Another common problem is that one spouse is afraid to really tell the other how they feel. They may be afraid that their spouse will get angry or defensive, or they may be afraid that they will be mocked. Again, this is a pattern of behavior that has likely been in practice since the start of your marriage, but in the beginning the two of you were so in love that you chose to ignore it. Now, years later (and with some built up resentments) it's harder to ignore. This too will take some time to overcome and some practice to re-learn habits and patterns of behavior. You may want to get a counselor to help you with this problem too. Again, it's a good idea to have a counselor point you both in the right direction and help keep the peace when necessary. I know it sounds obvious, but most people don't really think of it, but communicating in marriage starts with each individual in the marriage. If one or both of you has trouble really talking, or listening, than this is likely a lifelong problem and it will take some serious time and commitment to unlearn your bad habits and relearn better ones.

Tips To Keep Marriage From Growing Apart-Remember The Golden Rule

Want some tips to keep marriage from growing apart? If so, I may be able to help. I have got some ideas that work for most anyone and any marriage and they will probably work for you too. Most people who are in a happy marriage would be willing to do just about anything to keep it that way, especially if they have ever had a marriage fail. You, more than some, know the importance and just how precious a good marriage is. So, what can you do to keep your marriage good and strong? What tips to keep marriage from growing apart can help you and your spouse? Here are some things that are likely to help: 1. Always treat each other like you treat your friends. It's sad, but true, many people actually treat their friends or co-workers better than they treat their spouse. Why? I don't really know, but my guess would be that we tend to take those people who are "stuck with us" for granted. Our friends can tell us to shove off much more easily than a spouse can, or will. Like I said, sad. 2. Remember the golden rule? Treat your spouse the way you want them to treat you. If you wouldn't like it if they didn't call to let you know they were going to be late so you wouldn't worry, don't do that to them. If you wouldn't like it if they complained about you to their friends or family, don't do it to them. It's really not all that hard, it's just common courtesy and kind of goes along with the first point above. 3. Instead of growing apart, why not grow together? Why not go on a trip and share some new experiences, or take up a hobby that you both are interested in? Or even do volunteer work together? It really doesn't matter as long as it is something you can both enjoy and it allows you to share some common experiences. That will give you a lot to talk about so you never get bored with each other. 4. Keep the passion and the attraction alive. Take care of yourself. We all hear about people who "let themselves go" after marriage. Don't. Stay in shape, eat right get enough sleep and cut back on the bad habits. This too is something you can do together. Working out can be a great hobby you both can share and it has the added bonus of allowing each of you to stay in shape for the other and keep looking attractive (you also have another bonus, the better shape you are in the less the little aches and pains of aging will bother you). There are a lot more things you can do to keep your marriage fresh. It really depends on the two of you to do things that you each enjoy. Just by following these simple tips to keep marriage from growing apart the two of you are very likely to have a long, healthy and happy marriage. Good luck!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Is Your Marriage In Crisis- Are There Warning Signs

Is your marriage in crisis or are you perhaps deluding yourself that it isn't? Quite often one party in a marriage may not be happy while the other is oblivious to their partner's unhappiness and thinks that their marriage is going fine. A marriage in crisis may sometimes just look like a boring marriage that may have lost it spark and a couple may not do anything about it until it's too late. If you want your marriage to last then you need to be aware of the warning signs that your marriage may be in crisis. Don't just accept that your marriage is boring but its okay, if you feel that you have lost your spark then this is the time to do something about it. Your sex life is probably the first thing that you should look at and although this isn't the most important aspect of a relationship it is a crucial part of a healthy marriage. Do you struggle to remember when you last had sex because it was so long ago? Does having sex seem like a chore to either party? Has the spontaneity disappeared from your sex life? You can usually spot a marriage in crisis by looking at their sex life! If sex has become a chore in your marriage that doesn't mean the marriage is over, there is still a chance to save it. Most marriages will go through a stage of not having a great sex life, often after they have children. With each child that is born it becomes harder to keep the sex life active with kids running around and the Mom not having any energy left over for her husband. Most marriages will get through this stage and will find their spark again but not all do. A marriage is in trouble if it can't get past this stake and never breaks out of that pattern. When a couple cease to show each other any physical affection, then this could be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. If a couple are happily in love they do tend to show some physical affection toward one another so if this has stopped then you need to take action to get that spark back before it's too late. If you take a look at your marriage, do you and your partner show each other affection? Do you ever walk over and give your wife a hug for no reason? Do you tell her how lovely she looks? Do you give her a kiss on the cheek for no reason? If the answer is no, then maybe it's time you started doing some of these things. If you feel that you don't really need to do these things then you are probably deluding yourself. When you don't show each other affection you are really taking each other for granted and the next step on from that is resentment. If you notice that the spark has disappeared from your marriage, the good news is that you have recognized the warning signs on time and can do something about it. Make a point of showing your wife affection by telling her she looks lovely today or giving her a hug for no reason. You will be really surprised to find that she will enjoy this and will most likely respond by showing you more affection. Don't wait until your marriage is in crisis before you do anything about it, start putting the spark back into your relationship now.

What Is The Secret To Relationships-Common Sense

I'm sure if there were secrets to relationships someone would be making millions of dollars selling that secret. Although there is no secret as such there are many things that you can do to help keep your relationship strong and happy. Relationship secrets are really just common sense but they are things that over time we forget to do. 1. Love. Obviously a relationship needs love to survive and being in love is not enough if your partner doesn't know that you love them. You need to show each other that you love one another and you need to feel comfortable telling your partner that you love them. 2. Secondly you need to have respect in your relationship. If you don't respect one another then there really isn't much hope for a long and happy relationship. There is no point to being with someone that you don't respect and no point being with someone that doesn't respect you. 3. Always treat your partner with kindness. I'm sure you don't like it when people are nasty to you and your partner also wouldn't like it if they are treated nastily. Sometimes we take one another for granted and can be sarcastic and a bit nasty without meaning to be. We often treat strangers more kindly than we treat family so make a point to be kind to your partner. 4. Be thoughtful of your partners needs and do little things now and then to make him happy. It is amazing how much small gestures can make someone happy and improve a relationship. 5. Always be honest in a relationship. You cannot build a relationship on lies or when the truth does come out everything will fall apart. Always be honest and build your relationship on honesty and trust. Although these are not secrets they are important to a relationship and they are what relationships need to survive and be happy. When you haven't been doing these things it can be difficult to get back into the habit of them but it is worth putting in that effort. These are not hard things to do and they are things that you should do with someone that you love. Kindness, honesty and respect will go a long way to making a relationship happy and strong. There is more to a relationship than just existing with one another. You need to show each other that you love one another and this can be done with simple little expressions of love such as giving him a hug when he gets home from work or cooking his favorite meal and eating it by candlelight. Sometimes relationships can take a bit of work to make them strong and happy but over time these things will become natural and you will both be much happier with one another. If you can do these small, common sense things then you have found the secret to relationships.

How To Handle A Boyfriend Break Up

Have you broken up from your boyfriend? Do you feel like you just can't go on without him? Are you wondering if there is anything that you can do to get him back? If you are wondering if you can get your boyfriend back then you need to look closely at your life and the relationship you had and decide whether that is really what you want. Perhaps it is the thought of a relationship that you want rather than the guy himself. Perhaps you do love him but maybe he just isn't good for you. There really is a lot to consider before you go jumping into trying to get him back. If you do decide that you do want him back then there are steps that you can take to work toward that goal. However, if you decide that it is probably best for you to be apart then there are steps that you can take to help you move on. You need to reach some sort of closure so that you can really recognize that the relationship is over, when you find closure then you can begin to heal. Don't keep all your emotions bottled up or you will continue to hurt and find it more difficult to get over him. You can get your emotions out by doing the following: * See a counselor or therapist so you can talk about your emotions, talk about the relationship and they can help you to move on. With a counselor you can talk about things that you might not feel comfortable talking about to your family or friends. A third party isn't as personal so it is often easier to talk about things. * Talk to friends and family and get your feelings out in the open. If your friends or family just tell you to get over it and don't want to listen to you, then find someone else to talk to. You want a good friend that will be empathetic, supportive and help you work through your feelings. * Start a journal and write your feelings down. Even though writing your feelings isn't talking, it is still getting them out and giving you a way to release them. Poetry is often good too if you enjoy poetry then put your feelings in to a poem. Next you want to get rid of anything around the house that will remind you of your ex and especially get rid of things that belong to him. Return all his belongings to him and anything he doesn't want just throw away. If he has given you gifts that you can't bear to throw away then put them in a box and store them away somewhere where you won't see them every day. Then you need to make some plans to go out, perhaps you can go out with your friends. You don't want to spend too much time at home alone or you will just sit and think about your ex. It is best to go out and enjoy yourself. This is the opportunity to do the things you really love but perhaps didn't do too often because your ex didn't enjoy them. This is your opportunity to get to know the real you and enjoy yourself doing whatever you want to do. Do whatever makes you happy. Make some lifestyle changes - a change is as good as a holiday so they say. Start a healthy diet, go to the gym and exercise regularly. Start to feel really good about yourself so you can be happy with whom you are as an individual and not as part of a couple. By getting out and enjoying yourself and doing the things that make you happy you fill find that you begin to miss your ex less and less. You will become much happier as a person and will grow in self esteem and self confidence. You don't need to rush in to a new relationship, you will know when the time is right and perhaps it might happen when you least expect it. If you begin to have feelings toward someone else then you will know that you are well and truly over your ex. Then your boyfriend break up will be a thing of the past as you are moving on with your future.

I Just Want Him To Love Me Again

Women all over the world feel unloved and just want their man to love them again. When a relationship loses it spark and there is no intimacy left then a woman is often left saying to her close friends 'I want him to love me again'. Some women may be on the bad end of a divorce or breakup but just can't seem to get over their ex and think of nothing else but wanting to get back that man and his love. Some women may be the instigator of the divorce or breakup due to a lack of intimacy in the relationship, but later feel they have made a mistake and hope that there is some chance of rekindling the relationship. There are women worldwide facing similar situations and the one thing that they have in common is that they all want that love back. If you are in a position where you want to win back the love of your man you need to look at the relationship you had and wonder if there was anything missing in that relationship. What do men need? Men need attention and they like to know that you still find them attractive and that you admire him. While you may know that you love him, admire him and want him, it might not be so obvious to him so it doesn't hurt to tell him now and then how much you love him. Don't just tell him but show him that you love him, flirt with him a little and bring back the spark into the relationship. When a relationship goes on a woman will put less effort into the relationship, and so do men to some degree. A woman may start to dress more casually and just wear sweats around the house and forget about wearing make-up or sexy clothes, but men still like to see you looking nice. Just because they live with you doesn't mean they don't want to see you looking good. Did your husband or boyfriend leave you for another woman? Or do you lack trust in him and have convinced yourself that he has been seeing another woman? Women can sometimes become a little paranoid about their men looking at other women and then perhaps taking that even further. A woman always think that if their man has left them for another woman that it would be a beautiful woman when that isn't always the case. If their ex is dating an average looking woman then the wife will wonder what he sees in her. You should know that looks are not what your man is looking for, but it is respect and admiration that he wants from a woman. When you are your ex were together did you nag him all the time? Was he always complaining about your nagging? Is it possible that you nagged him because you weren't happy with him the way he was? A man wants his woman to be satisfied with him for who he is, not for who she wants him to be. If you were constantly nagging him then he most likely felt that you weren't happy with him the way he is. All relationships move past the initial honeymoon stage where admiration and flirting are constant, but unfortunately some of them lose the spark completely. You don't need to get back to that honeymoon stage because no relationship can stay at that stage forever, but there needs to be a happy medium. If you love your man and are proud of him and respect him then you need to let him know. You need to show him your love so he doesn't feel like you take him for granted. If you have been saying to yourself "I want him to love me again" then consider what might have gone wrong in your relationship and what you can do to make it right again.